3rd day of Photo-A-Day-challenge

I fucking adore this lovely girl, you have no idea.

photo by: me

2nd day of Photo-A-Day-challenge

*a sandwich (without butter) with ham
*Cheerios with milk

This was my breakfast this morning. What do you all eat for breakfast?

a little bit of info...

The 2nd day of the Photo-A-Day-challenge was to take a pic of my breakfast, but to be honest, I didn't ate a breakfast at all this morning... But I'm going to take that tomorrow, 'cause I'm free from school tomorrow, so I can just chill untill I wake up and just make a frikking nice breakfast. Ah. I want that breakfast now...

1st day of Photo-A-Day-challenge

I share that for you...

"This is my littlesister."

photo: me | model: Saga | ©

"Stuck in the Virtual World"

photo: me | model: me | ©

Modelstudio "Modellfabriken" - Pictures

Here's some pictures of me and my family. It's from the studio I talked about in the last post!

awkward meme.

who's this mysterious girl?


let's do a try of putting up this pictures on an other computer! (:

~green Macaroons with a sweet taste of vanilla~

~chocolatecupcakes with chotolatefudge frosting, marshmallows and chocolate candy~

Okey, it worked! Now you've seen what I've done this week. Be prepared to that I'm going to do macaroons again! And manage for real! These one were... yeah, not that I wanted them to be, but it's just the third time I do it, so I'm gonna try again! Hope you like the pictures!

Leave a comment about what I should bake next!
A link to the cookie/cupcake/whatever would help too!

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